About Enid Event Company & Tammy Wilson

Having a background in event planning and grass roots organizing, in 2013 I partnered with Amy Kelly to start T&A Productions, a full service event planning business. We had great fun bringing unique events to the Enid area and in 2015 Amy moved to Oklahoma City to pursue her dream of being a professional photographer (check out her work here). Many of the photos of the events on this site are her work. Upon her departure from the company, the name was changed to Enid Event Company, LLC.
I am one of the original founders of the Enid Halloween festival, co-founder of the Ghostlahoma Paranormal Conference, co-coordinator of the Fling at the Springs Music Festival, founder of the the Baconalia bacon festival that won a Mayor’s Choice Award, Enid Moustache March, the Red Brick Road Food Truck Festival, Phoenix Quest Harry Potter Convention, Downtown Enid Brew Ha Ha Pub Crawls, The 2nd Chance Dance Grown Up Prom, Eerie Enid Ghost Tours, and co-founder/co-coordinator of the Tossed Cooking Competition.
In addition to providing fun events for Enid, I served 2 terms on the Enid City Commission. My experience as an event planner in the community drove my ambition to run for public office. I saw firsthand the changes in the attitudes of the citizens when they had pride in their city and I wanted to not only create fun things for my community, but I wanted to create positive changes in the city that enhanced the Quality of Life in other ways and give them real, tangible things to be proud of, too. I voted for the building of the Enid Event Center, am a staunch supporter of local park improvements – approving the refurbishment of several parks, and pushes regularly for additions to the local trail system. I was instrumental in getting the City to agree to finance the installation of a privately funded Ferris wheel in one of our city parks and in 2014 and had a hillside slide built there as well. In addition, I drove the painting of a local bridge to look like a shark mouth to try to divert the vast number of semi-trucks from hitting it. While these things are fun on their faces, they are more than that – they are things that provide the citizens with that “sense of place” they inherently want to celebrate. I do, however, also work on important things like water and streets and the financial state of the city, but that’s not the fun stuff.
With the years of experience in grassroots event planning and experience as a local policy maker, I have the ability to provide ideas for cities or organizations interested in creating their sense of place. I can help cities or organizations formulate ideas to bring their community together, I can provide guidance on how to plan and execute events, I can provide insight to what a city government may expect or need, or I can execute an event for a city or organization.
I have been a frustrated citizen fighting the bureaucracy and I have created the bureaucracy so I am in a unique position to shed light on both sides of issues that face cities. I can help you find your sense of place and your city find the quality in its life.
I am available for speaking engagements.