The Un Run

The Un Run is the exact opposite of a regular run in that – there’s no running. A NoK, if you will. There is, however, beer, donuts, and if you’re super into mediocrity, some riding. We’ll have a first aid station on site in case of any blisters, extreme chafing, or exhaustion. We might have some bandaids but mostly just beer.

The Un Run will take place at The Brix (200 Block of East Maple, just northeast of the downtown square) in conjunction with July First Friday on July 6th and runners will complete a grueling course of a few yards. Of course, one must carb load for a good run, so we’ll have beer at the starting line and finish line with a donut station in between when it’s time to recharge.

The $25 entry fee includes runner number, t-shirt, two beers, and donuts.

$35 entry fee includes runner number, shirt, a sticker for your car so you can brag about basically doing nothing, two beers, donuts, and a medal for being wheeled over the finish line like a true underachiever in this badass truck.

After the run, you’re going to need to relax so your entry fee also gets you into the High Voltage concert at the Breeze. High Voltage is an incredibly fun classic rock band that’s sure to melt your faces. If you are NOT participating in the Un Run, the High Voltage concert is $5 per person (kids 12 and under are free for the concert).



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