All About the Adventure

It’s All About the Adventure Race

Enid Event Company is hosting the It’s All About the Adventure Race on Saturday, February 27, 2021. The registration fee is $25 per team. A team can be as many people as can be safely seated in the vehicle. 
At 7:00 a.m. on the morning of the race, teams will be given 24 clues.  Each clue will lead them to a location in or around Enid. They will have 12 hours to solve all 24 clues and collect their team’s token from each location.  The first team to turn in all 24 tokens wins.
“I want to encourage people to get out and explore their city even in times when larger gatherings may not be something they feel safe doing,” said Tammy Wilson, owner of Enid Event Company. “This is something that can be done with friends or family in the safety of your own vehicle without a lot of contact with other people.”
The winning team will receive a cash prize.  A full list of rules and the registration information can be found at or on the Enid Event Company Facebook page. Questions may be referred to or (580) 402-6732.

Rules for It’s All About the Adventure Race

What: A timed scavenger hunt
When: Saturday, February 27, 2021 7am to 7pm
Where: All around Enid
How it works: Each team pays a $25 registration fee. A team can be as many as can be safely seated in your car. Come up with a good name for your team.
At 7am the teams will meet at game headquarters (to be announced) and they will receive a packet of 24 clues. Each clue will lead them to a location in or around Enid. Each location will have numbered tokens there. Your team will take YOUR team’s token and move on to the next location.
You don’t have to go in any particular order, just as long as you get all 24 tokens – they will spell out “It’s all about the adventure” when you have them all. When you have all of your tokens, you will pose for a photo with them spelled out and EVERY team member in the photo. You will message the photo to the game admin and return to game headquarters.
Check in with the game admin every hour.
You will have until 7pm to complete the race.
Every team must return to game headquarters at the end regardless of whether you have all your tokens or not.
Do not take any token that is not your team’s.
Do not post clues on social media. Do not ask for help on social media – you can only use your team to solve the clues.
Don’t post any photos that would give away a location to other teams.
You MAY, and are encouraged to, post photos or updates of your team having fun throughout the day.
Your team can be disqualified for breaking any of these basic rules.


Questions or Wanna Be Involved?

2 + 13 =